Accessories, Yeah thats right accessories,
Bohemian chic
Now I havent really mentioned the various options available, but in all honesty a selection of wrist beads or a leather wrist strap can really finish a look off.
Took me ages to find a decent pair until Topman started selling them for the winter season, H&M also have a great selection of necklaces and wrist accessories. Give Asos a shout as well.
As an older bloke I think its best to stick to browns and blacks, younger people feel free to try the flourescent rave colours.
Compliments an outfit so well, nothing worse than a pair of Denim belt holes dangling in a lonely manner (ok bit exagerated)
Now the belt you choose is totally upto you. Personally I like a slim belt with trousers and sometimes with skinny jeans. However if wearing straight leg or loose fits a chunky belt fills that area, particulary if your wearing a top that ends at your waist, I.e leather bomber jacket or a harrington jacket.
Although their are loads upon loads of watches Me and Mr Newologist love the casio G shocks range http://www.gshock.com/products/ and Toy watches. For a serious gentleman I love the Philipe Patek and the Chanel J12 or and of course Breitling.
Stay tuned for hats and the rest,
The message here is that a little attention to detail can really make a difference to your outfit, it can save you from spending large amounts of money on clothes as well, providing you master the details.
-R -C -F